Electronic Subscription Documents

Revitate Selects +SUBSCRIBE Digital Subscriptions for Opportunity Zone Fund

By Rafay Farooqui, August 16, 2022

Revitate Selects +SUBSCRIBE
Digital Subscriptions for Opportunity Zone Fund

Firm Leadership’s Fourth Opportunity Zone fund will focus on
New Multifamily and Industrial Developments in Emerging U.S. Markets

NEWPORT BEACH, CA – Today, Revitate announced the fundraising launch of Revitate Impact OZ Fund 2022, LP (“Revitate Impact”), an Opportunity Zone fund focused on real estate investments in emerging cities across the country. The Fund represents the fourth Opportunity Zone led or co-led by Revitate Co-Founders and General Partners Alex Bhathal and Lisa Merage. The Fund is open to individual investors through many financial advisors or directly through an electronic subscription service in partnership with +SUBSCRIBE, the leading order management system for alternative product transactions.

“Lisa and I are thrilled to launch Revitate Impact and continue our work to catalyze greater investment and economic activity in Opportunity Zone communities across the country,” said Revitate Co-Founder and Executive Chairman Alex Bhathal.

Revitate Impact will focus primarily on multifamily residential and industrial development opportunities in emerging metropolitan areas across the country traditionally overlooked by institutional capital. Within these markets, Revitate will seek to partner with talented developers with deep local expertise.

“In so many ways, Revitate is a model of what the federal Opportunity Zone legislation intended,” said Chris Cox, former SEC Chairman and a Founding Member of Revitate’s Board of Directors. “I’m thrilled to see Alex and Lisa continue to marshal new investment and opportunity into communities most in need.”

As General Partners, Mr. Bhathal and Ms. Merage have invested into over $1.3B in total capitalization of Opportunity Zone projects across the United States. The brother-sister duo were early adopters in the space, co- founding the Opportunity Zone platform RevOZ Capital in 2018 as a joint venture with Cress Capital. Over the course of three multi-asset opportunity funds, RevOZ Capital made 13 investments across the countries into a range of multifamily, industrial, office and hospitality projects. RevOZ concluded investment activities in June 2022.

Core to Revitate Impact will be a commitment to integrating positive social and economic impacts into each development projects in the form of new jobs, economic activity, and positive environmental and community benefits. Leading this effort will be Ms. Merage, who also serves as the firm’s Chief Impact Officer and chairs Revitate’s Social Impact Council, a bipartisan and multidisciplinary group of public, private, and philanthropic sector leaders.

“We are fully committed to ensuring Revitate Impact delivers on its commitments to both investors and communities,” said Ms. Merage. “Over the past four years, we’ve sharpened our approach to ensuring that we generate both positive financial and social benefits, including how we evaluate deals, partner with local communities, and measure impact. I’m excited to take our strategies to the next level with this fund.”

Further, by enabling the offering on +SUBSCRIBE, Revitate is delivering a seamless digital process for investors looking for exposure to Opportunity Zone investments.

“Our alternative investment platform is the bridge between investors and leading private fund managers,” said Rafay Farooqui, Founder and CEO of +SUBSCRIBE. “We are excited to continue our partnership with Revitate and power an entirely digital investor experience for their customers.”

In 2021, Mr. Bhathal and Ms. Merage expanded and rebranded their business and investment activities under the Revitate brand and platform. In addition to the Revitate Impact OZ Fund, the Revitate investment platform has a multifamily housing strategy (Revitate Cherry Tree) and sports-related real estate initiative (Revitate Sports). Rounding out the firm’s executive team are Partner and Chief Operating Officer Kunal Merchant, Chief Financial Officer and Opportunity Zone Principal Michael Barrett, and Senior Operating Partner Chris Marsh, a 30+ year commercial real estate veteran and deep multifamily housing expert.

Revitate is targeting commitments from limited partners of $150 million for Revitate Impact with a final close date of June 30, 2023.

About Revitate
Revitate is a diversified investment platform based in Newport Beach, California supporting high-potential private equity strategies in real estate, consumer brands, and sports. Leveraging our multigenerational insight, expertise, and relationships, Revitate provides flexible capital and operating support to talented emerging investment managers to accelerate and elevate their success. In turn, our growing network of institutional, family office, and private investors gain early and exclusive access to new frontiers of talent, financial opportunity, and social impact. For more information, please visit www.revitate.co.

+SUBSCRIBE is a provider of enterprise software solutions for allocators, sponsors, and service providers that enable the digital transformation of the alternative investments industry. The company is the leading order management system and electronic subscription document technology for alternative product transactions. For additional information on how +SUBSCRIBE is Powering Alternative Investments®, visit www.subscribeplatform.com and follow the company on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Full Press Release Here