‘Passports’ to Streamline Private Wealth Onboarding

SUBSCRIBE’s Universal Passport is making
history in the alternative investment industry.

“Reusable digital investor identities known as passports may streamline sponsors’ push for private wealth dollars by streamlining onboarding processes. The technology is at the center of two recent developments from service providers.

Alternatives software provider SUBSCRIBE has updated and rebranded its existing offering, now known as Universal Investor Passport, SUBSCRIBE chief executive Rafay Farooqui said.

‘The passport isn’t just about a time-saving scale thing to grow the industry, it’s also about a reduction or elimination of errors and omissions.'”

Read the full article here.

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SUBSCRIBE is a fintech company digitally transforming the landscape of alternative investments for fund managers, institutional investors, wealth managers, law firms, and fund administrators. Our platform technology modernizes the archaic infrastructure of private fund investments by delivering a central operating system — catering to every role within the investment process empowering them to connect any fund, any investor, anywhere in the world on a single platform.